Monday, July 20, 2020

Programmer Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips

Programmer Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips The world we live in today is a complex one. Things used to be so simple. Earlier on, whenever you needed to do something, you had to rely on the human factor.As the civilisation progressed, the majority of operations was taken over by computers.Just for comparison’ sake, there was a time when you had to pay the bills at a post office yourself, and now you can do it sitting comfortably in your living room, using merely a computer.Although this might seem a mere trifle to most of us, there is a well-organised system behind all that. The system is also known as software.As you may well guess, it took many years and many people to develop fully functional software systems as we know them today.These people are commonly referred to as programmers.Today, we would practically be lost without them and their computer programs.This is exactly the reason why education systems have recognized the importance of software developing and have organised proper courses.So, if you are a programmer l ooking for a job, here comes our little guide on how to write that perfect CV before you apply for a job.Before we go into details, know that your Curriculum Vitae (AKA CV or resume) is your professional ID. It needs to be impeccable and impressive.It is all about standing out of the mass of programmers. As you are guessing already, this is not easy to accomplish.If you are a bit worried after this remark of ours, don’t be. We know that not everyone is good at presenting themselves in the best light.Which is why we have our resume template builder, for one, and we are also presenting to you our Resume writing guide.To begin with, let us first take a look at what the basic elements of a good CV are.Before you start writing that perfect CV, you need to let this sink in:Your CV MUST draw attention;Make sure to choose a proper template (if you do not know which one is best, use our resume template builder);Your CV MUST be well organized (all relevant pieces of information should be vi sible);Choose the language which is to the point.Since we warned you that a perfect CV is a prerogative, let us now show you how to write one.Programmer Resume Example Right Programmer Resume Sample Right Create your own resumeWe have just had the chance to see a couple of good examples of curriculum vitae.Next, we will show you how to make a CV like this on your own.However, if you are still worried that you are not fit to do it, feel free to use our resume template builder.So, here comes the best part!HOW TO WRITE PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTIONPersonal information section is the first thing a potential employer takes a look at in your resume.This is where you need to provide any and all relevant information about yourself.Obviously, the pieces of information that you provide need to be one hundred per cent accurate and true, and we will explain why even if it is quite obvious and logical.Once you sit down to write that brilliant CV, it is important that you present the data in a specific order.Naturally, you need to provide your name first and after that the possible ways to get in touch with you.NameMake no mistake here since you need to provide your full name (i.e. your first and l ast name). Note that nicknames are allowed or tolerated under no circumstances.NameAlexander WilsonTara Rodriguez RightNameAlexander Smartypants WilsonTara Spitfire Rodriguez WrongUsing nicknames is a pretty informal way to address someone.They are also highly inappropriate in a resume context. Keep these for your friends and family.Believe us when we say that the potential employer does not care how goofy and silly your nickname is.When applying for a job, giving your full name is safe and the best way to go.ProfessionAs we said in the introductory part of the article, your CV is your professional ID card.As a matter of fact, at a certain point, your profession might be even more important than your name.This is why your profession needs to be precisely defined in your resume.ProfessionBachelor of Science in Computer ScienceM.S. in Computer Science RightProfessionWith college educationCompleted under- or postgraduate studies WrongDo not be vague in this case.Should it happen th at you do not have the right profession for a certain position, do not obscure this fact by providing insufficient or inaccurate data.You might have some other skills and knowledge to compensate for the current lack.PhotoPhotos are an optional addition to your CV.You absolutely do not have to include one in your resume. However, our hearty recommendation is that you provide a photo in your resume after all.The logic behind is that those resumes that do not include a photo are impersonal.People want to see the face they can put with the name, and there is nothing wrong with it.Even though the job you guys do is mostly done sitting in front of a computer, still your photo in a CV gives a more personal note.Without the photo, you might give an impression of a person dissatisfied with their looks or even that you do not care enough.This is not something that potential employers can easily let go.So if you decided to include a photo in your resume, be careful about the choice you make.Wh at we want to say is that you need to look professional.Correction, you MUST look professional. So, select your outfit with the utmost care.So as not to confuse you any further, check out the following list.Photo instructionsUnforced smileKeep your eyes naturally openHair must be clean and neatly combedLight make-up (if you are into it, ladies!)Beard must be trimmed (dear gents!)Make sure that you are alone in the photo with some neutral background. Play it safe and take a photo standing/sitting in front of a white or neutral wall.Proper posture RightPhoto instructionsGrin or laughing with your mouth wide openHaving your eyes closedMessy hairStrong make-up (for ladies)Messy/too long beard (for gents)Don’t choose group photos (of you partying, lying on the beach, or the photos with your family).Slouching WrongWe think you got the clue why things on the left will make you look better in the eyes of the potential employer than the ones on the right.If you choose a photo with any of the situations from the Wrong column, you will strike them as not taking proper care of personal hygiene or being way too much easy-go-lucky.And employers will definitely be reserved about employing someone like that.Phone NumberIncluding your current phone number, whether cell phone or landline, is just one way for potential employers to get in touch with you.Make sure that you provide this data too along with giving your e-mail address.This will enormously help the prospective employer to get in touch with you since personal contact and communication help in developing a more sincere bond between the two parties.AddressAs is the case with photo, giving your address is also optional.Nonetheless, you can include it just in case. It might seem trivial to you, but the company which is hiring would like to know this.Be honest here.Don’t cause delusion by saying that you leave nearby if you are actually living hundreds of miles away.See now why they care about this?E-mail AddressSinc e we live in the computer and internet era, almost everyone nowadays has an e-mail address or even multiple e-mail addresses.Before we give some additional tips, you would want to check this out.E-mail RightE-mail WrongWhat we wanted to tell you here is that the e-mail address you provide in a resume also needs to be “professional”. Make sure not to use those e-mail addresses that you generally use for other purposes (e.g. gaming, online shopping or other platforms) when applying for a job.Another important thing that you need to pay attention to is that your e-mail address is easy to spell and pronounce.In such a way, you will avoid potential ambiguity, especially when you need to share this detail over the phone.Social Media ProfilesSimilar to e-mails, everybody has an account on this or that social network. Being a programmer and into computers and related, it is almost unthinkable that you do not have at least one such account.Still, pay extra care when giving links to your social networks.They are a necessary evil, but when it comes to a job application, they can be pure evil.Specifically, the content you post, share or like over there might lead a potential employer to some conclusions about your personality, which are far from true.No matter how careful you are when posting contents to your social network profile, it will definitely have some content which might compromise you in the eyes of a future employer.So, think twice before you provide those links. If you still opt for doing it, make sure that the content you post has limited visibility. Pro TipUseful tip:It is always good to include a link to your LinkedIn account as it seems to do miracles. This social network is already designed for professional purposes, so it will be a proper presentation of you. On the other hand, try to stay clear of links to your Instagram profile, for example .HOW TO WRITE YOUR SUMMARY SECTIONHaving gone through the part of your resume, which is purely factual and quite simple to write, we have reached the part where things are no longer quite so simple for most of us.There is one word which perfectly describes what your Summary Section needs to be.And the word is CONVINCING!The summary is where you use fewer words to carry on the biggest load of information. But, this should not and must not be “dry”. Spice it up a little.This is a perfect time for you to rely on language. How so? Well, as simple as this.SummaryBachelor of Science in Computer Science with more than 5 years of experience.Specialized in web designing and database programming.Using strong language (invest, boost enhance, growth, proficient, etc.)Ending on a proactive note (use the acquired experience, practical and theoretical knowledge in a new atmosphere). RightSummaryCollege graduate with many years of experience. (Obviously, this is an insufficient description.)Us ing vague or weak language (good, make better, many, etc.)Sounding uninterested or “needy” (I would like to work for you). WrongWe think that the difference is more than obvious here.The left column makes you look eligible for the next vacancy in the company.However, when you take a look at the Wrong column, it looks as if you are completely uninterested.So, strong and precise language is your best friend in this case.You are not merely looking/applying for a job. You are approaching potential employers offering what’s best for them.Be smart and convince them that you are the perfect candidate they are looking for.Convince them that you are the one with skill and experience, not a beginner who either does not care for or does not want the job.HOW TO WRITE THE EXPERIENCE SECTIONThe experience section of your resume is the part which needs to fully confirm to the potential employer that you are the right person for the job in question.Note that your experience is listed startin g with the most recent job and then going step by step backwards.Again, the data you provide here need to be true and complete.You must give the full title of the companies you previously worked for, and you need to give details about the position you held as well as a brief description of the tasks you were in charge of.More precisely, this is what we had in mind. Right WrongThe column on the right side seems rather incomplete, and this is not how you should write your CV.Every employer will go for the applicant on the left since in this case, they can see all relevant information.If you still wonder why the left side is better, let us tell you this.When you give such details, your next employer knows exactly what you can do once they hire you.They do not want to guess if you can only work with one programming language and not with others.We mentioned this briefly at the beginning of the chapter, but again, you need to know that you are not allowed to provide false details in your experience section.Everything you list can be easily checked and verified, so do not put yourself into an embarrassing situation.If you maybe do not have sufficient experience or you have none whatsoever, do not be afraid to say so.Your potential employer will value your honesty more than the false data you give them.In such a case, be proactive and let them know you are ready to turn theory into practice and take the load off of other programmers working in the company you are applying for. Pro TipUseful tip:Your Experience section should not include those jobs that have nothing to do with the position you are applying for. Sorry for saying this, but if it has nothing to do with the current vacancy you are seeking to fulfill the employer simply does not care about it.However, if all of this sounds too boring for you, feel free to use our resume template builder. It will make your life so much easier.GUIDELINES ON WRITING YOUR EDUCATION SECTIONAs a rule, your education section comes after the experience section.As it turns out, your experience bears larger significance, which is why it is given priority ranking.Without further delay, check out this distinction. Right WrongIf and when necessary, your education is also listed in reverse chronological order. In this case, there was no need to do it since if you have a college degree (undergraduate or postgraduate), it is just fine to include only the highest degree you obtained.What you need to know is that including your GPA is not obligatory.Still, if you were a brilliant student, feel free to let the world know it.The same is true for special scholarships. Don’t be afraid to show how excellent you were/are.HOW TO WRITE YOUR SKILLS SECTIONWhen it comes to your skills section, make sure not to overdo it.There is no need for you to list any and all skills you possess.SkillsC++JavaExceptional analytical skillsComputer troubleshooting skillsProficient in interpersonal communication with an accent on problem-solving and avoiding conflictsOrJavaSQLPythonProviding quick and simple and yet reliable troubleshooting solutions due to the ana-lytical mindGoal-oriented RightSkillsLanguagesSpanishEnglishFr ench WrongIn this case, it is not enough to say that you are good in programming languages. There are many of those, and you need to be very specific since companies might not pay attention to you thinking how you are covering for your lack of knowledge by being vague.Also, do not include those skills which have nothing to do with the job post you are applying for. As we have simplified here, you are applying for a programmer, not a chef’s assistant.Languages are given as a special subheading to the skills section. Here, this is what you need to pay attention to.LanguagesEnglish (Native)German (Advanced)Spanish (Intermediate) RightLanguagesSpanishEnglishFrench WrongAlways make sure that you indicate the level of your knowledge when it comes to languages.Again, the company hiring would like to know if they can rely on you to communicate with foreign clients.Don’t deceive them by saying you have native fluency in Mandarin (we all know how unrealistic that is!) if you only know the basics.Speaking of general interests listed at the end of your resume, it is fine to include those activities that you like doing in your free time. It is here where you can list cooking, for example.Still, do not list too many of these. It is enough to include only those activities that you truly like the most, and that can make you look good in the eyes of an employer (2-3 points maximum).And if after all of this you still think you are not fit for writing a CV all by yourself, then use our resume template builder and spare yourself some precious time while hunting for a perfect job.ADDITIONAL TIPS TRICKSALWAYS double check your writing for grammar or punctuation mistakes.ALWAYS make sure that the data you provide is full and true to the best of your knowledge.PRECISION is your best friend! Avoid lengthy summaries at any cost, since nobody will pay attention to them.ALWAYS customise your resume CV to the vacancy you are applying for.CONCLUSIONThe ideal job you have always wan ted does not just fall from the sky. It takes a lot of hard work, such as education and constant learning.So once you go through this process, you are faced with the boring application process, selection, interviews, etc.If you want to get selected, you need to make a worthy impression on the potential employer.This is where the impeccable resume needs to do its part of the job.An impeccable resume implies only the best personal and professional details which help the employer to choose you as the next employee.The purpose of this article is to provide the most important general guidelines on how to write your programmer CV.Good luck! Create your own resume